The Centre for Future Work is a progressive research institute, founded in 2016, with operations in Canada and Australia.
The Centre is a unique centre of excellence on the full range of economic issues facing working people: including the future of jobs, wages and income distribution, skills and training, sector and industry policies, globalization, the role of government, public services, and more. The Centre also develops timely and practical policy proposals to help make the worl...

Angela Carter, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Waterloo and part of the Corporate Mapping Project, a research and public engagement project investigating the power and influence of the fossil fuel industry.
Arman has previously worked in various research settings with a strong emphasis on the social determinants of health, including the Centre for Urban Health Solutions, the Centre for Global Child Health, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and most recently at the Wellesley Institute. Arman worked in Minister’s offices for the Ontario government from 2016 – 2018. Some highlights of his role were assisting with policy development on the Safer Ontario Act, creating consumer protec...
The Vancouver Just Recovery Coalition is an informal, non-partisan coalition of individuals and organizations within the City of Vancouver supporting socially and environmentally just strategies to recover and rebuild post COVID-19. The Coalition strongly believes that our city is safer and healthier when we support vulnerable communities. We are better together.
Alexi White is the co-host of the political and public policy podcast Ontario Loud. He recently relocated to British Columbia from Ontario, where he was a policy advisor to five Ontario cabinet ministers in the Wynne government and a senior economist in the Ministry of Finance. A graduate of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, he was actively involved in student advocacy as the executive director of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.
Lynell Anderson, CPA, CGA, is a public policy researcher and community engagement specialist. Drawing on 35 years of experience as a professional accountant in the private, public, voluntary and academic sectors, Lynell analyzes and utilizes financial information to promote public accountability, engage communities and advocate for evidence-informed change. Her research and advocacy activities focus on public policies that advance the rights of children, women and families, especially ...
Lindsey Bertrand is the former Communication & Digital Engagement Specialist at the CCPA-BC.
Dr. Vanessa Brcic is a community-based researcher, Vancouver-based registered somatic therapist and family physician with a special interest in trauma, mental health and chronic pain. Her research interests are in practice-based research, primary care reform, poverty, and the social determinants of health. Clinically, she is interested in the interdisciplinary care of vulnerable patients and those with complex chronic conditions often neglected in the medical system. She is also an execu...
Rowan Burdge (she/they) is the provincial director of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition. They are a disabled, white settler living on the unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh nations. Burdge is a queer chronically ill advocate and organizer, working towards poverty eradication alongside marginalized communities across B.C.
John Calvert is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and a research associate with the CCPA’s BC Office.
Dr. Calvert is the author of Liquid Gold: Energy Privatization in British Columbia, a book that challenges the former BC Liberal government's private power agenda. He also worked for the Crown Corporations Secretariat which oversaw BC Hydro during the 1990s and was also a member of the 2005 BC Hydro Provincial Integrated Electri...
Bill Carroll teaches Sociology at the University of Victoria, and served as founding director of UVic’s Program in Social Justice Studies from 2008 to 2012. Since the mid-1980s, he has conducted collaborative research with social movement communities. His books include The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class, Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism Remaking Media (with Bob Hackett) and Organizing Dissent. Two 2016 books are Expose, Oppose, Propose: Alternative Policy Groups in...
Pamela Charron is Executive Director, Worker Solidarity Network and Co-Chair, BC Employment Standards Coalition.
Rita Chudnovsky is a member of the BC Child Care Advocacy Forum. Follow Rita on Twitter
Marjorie Griffin Cohen is an economist who is a professor emeritus of Political Science and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University.
Devyn Cousineau is a lawyer with the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Follow Devyn on Twitter
Shelagh Day is President of the Canadian Human Rights Reporter and Chair of the Human Rights Committee of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action. She was BC’s first Human Rights Officer, and the Director of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. Follow Shelagh on Twitter
Michael Ekers is an Assistant Professor of Geography & Planning at the University of Toronto.
Viveca Ellis is the Interim Community Organizer with the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition and a co-founder of the Single Mothers Alliance BC.
Peter Ewart is a writer and community activist based in Prince George, British Columbia.
David Fairey is a labour economist, a research associate of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – BC Office, and co-chair of the BC Employment Standards Coalition.
Colleen Fuller is an independent health policy researcher whose areas of expertise include health care and pharmaceutical policy, privatization, public and private health insurance, trade/globalization and health care, and health industry investors. Follow Colleen on Twitter
Trish Garner is the provincial organizer for the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition, a broad-based network of over 400 organizations throughout BC. She is a tea-swilling Brit with a passion for social justice.
As the BCPRC's Community Organizer, Trish focuses on communications, outreach and community engagement to raise awareness about the root causes of poverty and inequality, and how we can collectively tackle them.
Trish has a PhD in gender, sexuality and women’s studies from SFU...
David A. Green is a professor in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia and an International Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London.
Robert A. Hackett is a professor emeritus of communication at Simon Fraser University.
Alex Hemingway is a Senior Economist and Public Finance Policy Analyst at the CCPA’s BC Office. His research focuses on tax fairness, public finances, public services, and economic inequality in BC and Canada.
Alex holds a PhD in political science from the University of British Columbia, where his research examined the relationship between economic class and political inequality in the advanced industrialized world. He holds two master’s degrees from the London School of Economics ...
J David Hughes has studied the energy resources of Canada and the US for four decades, including 32 years with the Geological Survey of Canada as a scientist and research manager, where he headed unconventional gas and coal research. His research focus is on unconventional fuels, primarily shale gas and tight oil, but also coalbed methane and other unconventional sources, including oil sands, coal gasification and gas hydrates. Hughes is currently President of Global Sustainability Rese...
Iglika Ivanova is a Senior Economist and the Public Interest Researcher at the CCPA’s BC Office. She researches and writes on key social and economic challenges facing BC and Canada, including poverty, economic insecurity and labour market shifts towards more precarious work. Iglika is Co-Director of the Understanding Precarity in BC Project (UP-BC).
Iglika also investigates issues of government finance, tax policy and privatization and how they relate to the accessibility and qualit...
Seth Klein is a CCPA-BC research associate and the former CCPA-BC Director. His research deals primarily with welfare policy, poverty, inequality and economic security. A social activist for over 30 years and a former teacher, Seth holds a BA in international relations, a BEd from the University of Toronto and an MA in political science from Simon Fraser University.
Seth is an adjunct professor with Simon Fraser University’s Urban Studies program and the former BC director of the Cana...
Marc Lee is a Senior Economist at the CCPA’s BC Office. In addition to tracking federal and provincial budgets and economic trends, Marc has published on a range of topics from poverty and inequality to globalization and international trade to public services and regulation. Marc is Co-Director of the Climate Justice Project, a research partnership with UBC's School of Community and Regional Planning that examines the links between climate change policies and social justice. Follow Mar...
Andrew Leyland is a master's student in the School of Population and Public Health at UBC. He was the Rosenbluth Intern in Policy Research at the CCPA-BC. He is strongly committed to improving the social determinants of health and discovering policy solutions that help build healthy, equitable societies. Andrew is also concerned by the increase in precarious employment among young Canadians, and the erosion of stable, secure, gainful jobs.
Andrew Longhurst, BA (Hons), MA, is a research associate with the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA–BC) and served as senior advisor to the BC Ministry of Health’s Primary and Community Care Research Initiative. He is also a PhD student in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University, researching health care reform in Canada and internationally. He has authored numerous publications including, Assisted Living in British Columbia: Trends in Acc...
As a climate justice organizer, campaign strategist and consultant, Emily Lowan has worked with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives' Corporate Mapping Project, and led Divest UVic's successful campaign through 2020 and 2021.
Emily is completing her degree in political science and environmental studies at UVic, having finished her term as the elected director of campaigns and community relations for the University of Victoria Students’ Society. Emily lives in Victoria, B.C....
Through her community-based organizing, frontline work and activism over three decades, Angela Marie MacDougall has been deeply involved in movements for social justice. Since the nineties, Angela has developed training curricula from an intersectional and anti-oppression framework while her work as a trainer with community-based organizations, systems players, universities and in the larger public sphere has always emphasized the influence of a community-based response toward gen...
Judith Marshall is a Canadian popular educator and writer. She worked for eight years in the Ministry of Education in post-independence Mozambique, designing curricula for workplace literacy campaigns. On her return to Canada, she completed a PhD at the University of Toronto with a thesis—and later book—on literacy, power and democracy. She has recently retired after two decades in the Global Affairs department of the United Steelworkers, which included member education on global is...
Dr. Margaret McGregor is a family physician and clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia, Department of Family Practice.
Arlene McLaren is Professor Emerita in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. She is co-editor (with Jim Conley) of Car Troubles: Critical Studies of Automobility and Auto-Mobility (Ashgate) and co-author (with Sylvia Parusel) of several articles on automobility and its impact on families published in Canadian Review of Sociology, Canadian Journal of Sociology, World Transport Policy and Practice, Mobilities and Gender, Place & Culture.
Kendra Milne is a lawyer and the Executive Director of Health Justice, a non-profit that uses research, education, and advocacy to improve the laws and policies that govern coercive health care in BC. Follow Kendra on Twitter
Adrienne has lived, worked and been a social justice activist in Vancouver since 1976. She joined First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition in 2000 and became the provincial coordinator in 2005. Prior to working with First Call, she served as the child and youth advocate for the City of Vancouver, and as the chairperson of the Vancouver School Board for three of her six years as an elected school trustee. Some of her earlier leadership positions included serving as the execu...
Matthew Norris is a member of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and the vice-president of the Urban Native Youth Association. He is currently a PhD Student at UBC focusing on international Indigenous rights frameworks. He has extensive professional experience working on issues related to Indigenous rights and title, including four years as a policy analyst for the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. Matthew is also a board member with the CCPA-BC.
Danny Oleksiuk is a lawyer, writer and co-founder of Abundant Housing Vancouver. He is a fellow of the Sightline Institute.
Ben joined the CCPA staff team as a resource policy analyst in 2005 after years working as an investigative journalist with numerous magazines, and previous to that as a reporter with The Vancouver Sun. He is author and co-author of two books on forestry issues and currently devotes much of his policy research to natural resources, with special attention paid to energy, water, and forest resources and climate change.
Ben values being part of a great team at the CCPA as well as...
Keith Reynolds is the former National Research Representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees. He has done policy work for all three levels of government. His areas of expertise include privatization, P3s, and municipal government and finance. Follow Keith on Twitter
Michal Rozworski is a researcher at the British Columbia Teachers' Federation and a CCPA-BC research associate. He publishes frequently on Canadian political economy and is the co-author, with Leigh Phillips, of The People's Republic of Walmart. Follow Michal on Twitter
Vyas is a law student and was the 2018 Rosenbluth Intern in Policy Research at the CCPA-BC, where he was thrilled to be a part of the progressive ecosystem in BC. In addition to his work on electoral reform, his writing has been published nationally on partisan strategy and coalition governments. He has special interests in labour, public housing, indigenous and migrant rights, climate action and all else to do with the politics of liberation.
Previously, Vyas has worked in politics, l...
Véronique Sioufi is the CCPA-BC’s Researcher for Racial & Socio-economic Equity. She is an interdisciplinary researcher who brings expertise in labour, economic geography, critical data studies, critical race theory and communication.
Véronique is a PhD candidate in Geography and holds an MA in Communication from Simon Fraser University. Her SSHRC-funded doctoral and masters’ research explored the uneven distribution of power and precarity in digital labour markets and social m...
Suzanne Smythe is Associate Professor in Adult Literacy and Adult Education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Her research interests include digital learning, equity and access, the implications of automated technologies for literacy education, and adult education policy and practice. Follow Suzanne Smythe on Twitter
Yonatan Strauch is a PhD candidate in Social and Ecological Sustainability at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. His research deals with the intersection of clean energy technology and climate politics by applying complex systems analysis. He has over fifteen years experience with energy and environmental issues. Follow Yonatan on Twitter
Kendra Strauss is Director of the Labour Studies Program and Professor in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. She is also an Associate Member of the Department of Geography at SFU.
Mark Thompson is a Professor Emeritus in the Sauder School of Business and a research associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Jason Tockman – Senior Policy Analyst, Vancouver Coastal Health
Research foci: Indigenous rights; climate change and health impacts; BC’s toxic drug crisisis
Tockman is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Washington's Jackson School of International Studies, with support from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of British Columbia, and studies indigenous rights and the implementatio...
Estair Van Wagner is an Assistant Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.