Posts by Bill Carroll

Bill Carroll

About Bill Carroll

Bill Carroll teaches Sociology at the University of Victoria, and served as founding director of UVic’s Program in Social Justice Studies from 2008 to 2012. Since the mid-1980s, he has conducted collaborative research with social movement communities. His books include The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class, Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism Remaking Media (with Bob Hackett) and Organizing Dissent. Two 2016 books are Expose, Oppose, Propose: Alternative Policy Groups in the Struggle for Global Justice and A World to Win: Counter-Hegemony and Contemporary Social Movements (with Kanchan Sarker). His current project, “Mapping the power of the carbon-extractive corporate resource sector” (co-directed with Shannon Daub) traces modalities of corporate power within the global political economy, focusing particularly on carbon extraction in western Canada. More about Bill

Canada’s fossil fuel lobby influences policy and decisions for major federal government projects

Nov 8, 2019
There’s no doubt that climate change and fossil fuel extraction were vote determining for significant sections of the population in the federal election. These issues dominated the federal leaders’ debates and since September we’ve seen hundreds of thousands across the country join student-led climate strikes demanding more robust climate action. Such demands are likely to… View Article

Who owns and benefits from Canada’s fossil fuel sector?

Oct 23, 2018
Many Canadians—politicians and business people in particular—are quick to tout the value of the fossil fuel sector to our national economy. But who primarily benefits from these industries? The major investors in Canada’s fossil fuel sector (oil, bitumen, gas and coal) have high stakes in maintaining business as usual, rather than addressing the industry’s serious… View Article

We’re putting fossil fuel industry influence under the microscope

Nov 27, 2015
By Bill Carroll and Shannon Daub The tremendous concentration of power and influence we see in the fossil fuel industry today places sharp limits on our democracy (for examples, see our previous post). And as oil, gas and coal corporations pursue their relatively narrow, short-term profit goals, crafting effective responses to the climate crisis becomes… View Article