Aug 28, 2009

Policy Note named Blog o’ the Week by The Tyee


We are delighted to have been chosen as Blog of the Week by

September 1 is the other New Year’s Day: The start of a new school year, and in B.C. a sort-of new government with a new (but sadly old-fashioned) budget. Time to buckle down and get back to work, class.

Whether on paper or by texting, passing notes in class is a time-honoured tradition. So our Blog of the Week is Policy Note, which also happens to be one of the newest of B.C. Blogs.

Policy Note comes from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, those troublemakers in the back row, and we look forward to its spitballs and rude noises while Mr. Campbell at the blackboard is trying to teach us a lesson we won’t forget.

And we always thought we were the geeks who stayed inside at recess to study. Thanks for the image makeover, Tyee!
