Canada Pension Plan fuels climate crisis

Nov 21, 2019
“Financial experts say millennials will have to save an entire planet to retire,” says the satirical Beaverton. This is funny because it’s true. Less humorously, many pensions designed for retirement security are contributing to the climate emergency with their investments. Such is the case with the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), one of our country’s largest… View Article

Inquiry needed into gig work in BC

Nov 14, 2019
The BC government recently decided to permit the operation ride-hailing services, which are scheduled to begin before the end of the year. Other services, like the delivery of restaurant meals, use similar systems to dispatch workers. Yet the provincial government has yet to address a crucial element of this system—the rights and protections of workers… View Article

BC Government Fossil Fuel Subsidy Data Finally Public

Nov 13, 2019
For more than two years, the British Columbia government has vigorously fought efforts to compel the release of information on the hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies that it doles out to fossil fuel companies each year. It has either refused outright to release documents or it has handed over pages of essentially worthless… View Article

Canada’s fossil fuel lobby influences policy and decisions for major federal government projects

Nov 8, 2019
There’s no doubt that climate change and fossil fuel extraction were vote determining for significant sections of the population in the federal election. These issues dominated the federal leaders’ debates and since September we’ve seen hundreds of thousands across the country join student-led climate strikes demanding more robust climate action. Such demands are likely to… View Article