Racism & racial justice

Being a Hope Amid Crises with Dr. Cornel West

Feb 16, 2022
The CCPA-BC Office and the BC Black History Awareness Society co-presented an online event with Dr. Cornel West on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. View the video recording of the event below. Dr. West is an American philosopher, political activist, social critic and public intellectual. He is the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary. He… View Article

84 doctors, health experts & economists across Canada call on BC government to show national leadership with 10 days paid sick leave

Oct 21, 2021
As economists and health experts from across Canada, we urge the BC government to implement a robust employer-paid sick leave program that includes at least 10 paid sick days for workers. Employer-paid sick days are already a right of workers in most developed countries around the world, including a majority of OECD countries, because they… View Article

To reduce gender inequality, introduce paid sick leave

Mar 9, 2021
In the week of International Women’s Day let’s celebrate BC’s positive steps toward gender equality while bringing attention to the changes still needed.   When it comes to gender and (paid) work, one recent big achievement is the BC government’s introduction of job-protected paid leave for workers who experience sexual and domestic violence. In March 2020,… View Article
Photo of Japanese Canadian elementary school students at Pine Crescent Elementary School, Bay Farm, BC. The BC Government refused to pay for the education of these students.

The Racism behind Japanese Canadian Internment Can’t Be Forgotten

Jun 25, 2020
When John Horgan talked about BC’s historic racism, he failed to mention Japanese Canadians. Here’s why it matters. Premier John Horgan began a media conference on June 3 with a statement about racism and the “blemishes” on BC’s history. Horgan mentioned the head tax used to restrict immigration from China and the Komagata Maru incident that highlighted Canada’s discriminatory… View Article