Big ideas on the supply side of housing affordability

Jul 14, 2021
The final report of the Canada-British Columbia Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability, published in June 2021, contains 23 recommendations made primarily to the BC and federal governments. The Panel organized these under five broad calls to action:    Creating a planning framework that proactively encourages housing;   Reforming fees on… View Article

In a flawed survey, BC seeks input on changes to freedom of information and privacy

Jul 12, 2021
It is again time to review British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. Every six years the legislature reviews the Act and the process has begun with the province placing a questionnaire online asking for people’s opinions. But before you go online to respond to the survey you might be interested in some background… View Article

BC’s reopening plans must address highly unequal pandemic impacts

Jul 7, 2021
As a successful vaccination campaign spurs broader reopening of BC’s economy, we are all feeling the excitement of a more relaxed summer. But in the rush to get back to a semblance of normal, it would be a huge mistake to return to the pre-pandemic status quo of undervaluing and underpaying the front-line caring and… View Article