Australia’s LNG catastrophe: Why Petronas’ LNG cancellation is a blessing for BC

Jul 31, 2017
British Columbians should not be lamenting Petronas’ decision to pull its Pacific Northwest Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) proposal. Instead, they should be celebrating the demise of a project built on bad economics, climate change denial and wishful thinking. A few pundits have told the Petronas story as a tragedy. Some are blaming the brand new… View Article

Three health care priorities for a new government

Jul 27, 2017
The transition to power for a new government in BC provides the opportunity to set a new course that addresses both immediate and longstanding policy challenges. On the health care front, there is no shortage of pressing issues facing the new government. It is reassuring, however, that one of the foundational principles of the NDP… View Article

Debunking the Fraser Institute’s latest scaremongering on Indigenous rights

Jul 4, 2017
In a particularly dick move (sorry, no other term for it), the Fraser Institute chose National Aboriginal Day (June 21) to release a report by Tom Flanagan claiming that a sharp increase in people with Registered Indian status will drive up government costs. The methodology employed by Flanagan is remarkably shoddy, as I explain below…. View Article