Upcoming Municipal Elections: Business as Usual?

Mar 27, 2014
With municipal elections on the horizon in British Columbia, it is worth paying attention to the nature of political discourse in this province – and considering its implications and alternatives. Increasingly, business parlance is finding its way into what still holds the pretence of being a democratic institution.  As with our most recent provincial election,… View Article

How many will vote in the November 2014 local government elections?

Mar 16, 2014
In BC’s last local government elections in 2011 less than 30% of people bothered to vote.  CivicInfoBC has a handy list of turnout information for all of our local governments here. I was curious about how this compared to local election turnout in other provinces. I don’t have turnout information at a provincial level for… View Article

4 year municipal elections: are we trading long term planning for accountability?

Mar 2, 2014
The BC government has announced changes to the way local government elections will be run. One of the changes will be that when local government voters go to the polls in November they will be electing people to represent them to a four year term rather than the current three year term. I am in… View Article